Well about a month ago right around when she turned nine months she started crawling and never looked back! She just loves the idea that she can go anywhere she wants to, and that all's she has to do is move her little legs to get there. We all just love watching her chubber bubber legs go! She has always been a very social BABY always smiling at EVERYONE she sees, from the minute I pick her up from her crib she has one on her face :) Kennedy is just such a happy baby and loves life. I swear that she has thined out a bit since she has started all of her crawling everywhere all the time non-stop.
Her newest word she for the very first time last week I think it was on Monday so a week ago from today. One of my friends was over and was on her way out. So she was saying "good bye" to everyone including her, and she waved to her and said "Bye" "Bye" back to her! Aww it was truly a moment that has been engraved in my heart forever. I wish I has a camera rolling so I could share that moment with you. Oh yeah P.S. mental note to myself I miss placed a nicer word for lost are family cam corder about a month ago. So I need to get on purchasing a new one. Will be posting some new pic's soon :) k.