So I have been putting off telling everyone the news of me being pregnant for a long time now. I am three months pregnant now and going into my second tri-mester which means that I am more likely than not to have a miscarry from here on out. I'm sure most of you know that back in July I had a miscarriage which was hard, however I grew a lot from. And feel so blessed to already be 3 months pregnant with another angel that is due August 3rd just three day's before Seth and my anniversary so Doctor Bass already knows that I'd like to have the baby in July which he said is fine since I have C-sections. I will be finding out in just a month what the sex is and can hardly wait to see if we are going to have another little Princess or be introducing our first little boy into this Barnard family. I hope that everyone understands why I have waited so long to share this good news with you and is not upset, it has been SOOO HARD for me to keep this in, you all know me.